HANDOVER SORTED - 1 year and 1 day!

Day 253 - Knee Day!

(Thu 07-07-11)

Dad came up from the country to do the last 8 remaining cutouts upstairs. I hobbled on to the site and remained there, bored out of my brains in the garage, freezing I might add.
The painters were there finishing up their preparations for the spray tomorrow.
Looks like the sparky has done his cutouts this week sometime, but the heating/cooling cutouts ahave not been done yet. Hope they don't spray over their floor marking locations.

I visited my ortho specialist today. I have a bad tear in my knee cartilage (lateral menisci tear) he will try to repair it when I undergosurgery next Thurs -  Fingers crossed.
I will be unable to perform full duties at work for at least 3-4 months, nor will I be able to do any major works at the house post handover for a while.

Builder chased me up for the 25% 'Fixing Stage' payment. I explained the reasons why I was reluctant to pay at this stage. After a few heated exchanges, we came to an agreement that we would discuss it later next week after more work was done. I guess we'll see on that one.
In high insight, I should have let him know my intentions when I got the bill initially. A wonderful thing, high insight isn't it.

1 comment:

  1. Bad news about your knee, hopefully you'll have a speedy recovery after the surgery.

    I withheld few payments from the builder but I always told them why & which clauses of the contract they hadn't complied with.
