HANDOVER SORTED - 1 year and 1 day!

Day 212 - Ducted Vacuum & Alarm installed

(Fri 27/5)
Ducted Vacuum and Alarm were installed. I met with Builder and Installer at 8am to run through install. Not sure whether the location of the 2x vac points will reach everywhere?

Vacusweep point for Kitchen Bench

Vacuum point for Family Room Upstairs


  1. How’s the position of your ducted vacuum? Will it be able to reach its max proficiency? We all know that a ducted or central vacuum cleaner can’t handle the entire house on its own. That’s why there is still a little dusting need to be done.
    Maisie Hood

  2. I want to get a ducted vacuum system for my home. Not having to carry the vacuum cleaner throughout the house would really be nice and I think my wife would like to make cleaning really easy. I would just like to know where you would have to put in the vacuum tubes so they could reach every corner of the room. http://www.premierclean.com.au/
